### About me
My name is Blagoj and I am a senior Software Engineer and Startup founder.
I am CEO and Co-Founder of [TokenSight](https://app.tokensight.io/), a [self-custodial DEX Trading Platform](https://docs.tokensight.io/).
I specialise in Distributed Systems and Permissionless Blockchain Technologies, specifically the [Ethereum Ecosystem](https://ethereum.org/en/).
My main areas of interest are:
- [Decentralised Exchanges](https://chain.link/education-hub/what-is-decentralized-exchange-dex) (DEXes) and DEX Trading
- [MEV](https://www.coindesk.com/learn/what-is-mev-aka-maximal-extractable-value/) - Maximal Extractable Value
- Trading Strategies (general)
- [Memecoins](https://www.investopedia.com/meme-coin-6750312)
I also have background in [Zero-Knowledge technology](https://chain.link/education/zero-knowledge-proof-zkp).
### Bio
My journey in the crypto-space started in 2014, when I first received Bitcoin as a payment for software development services (E-commerce platform with Bitcoin payments integration).
I started developing blockchain related software full time in 2017.
I have a deep expertise in the [Ethereum Ecosystem](https://ethereum.org/en/). My experience includes work on all levels of the stack, from Frontend crypto tooling to EVM opcode work and optimisations.
My crypto-related work experience:
- [TokenSight](https://app.tokensight.io/), CEO and full stack developer (including smart contracts) - 2023- Present
- [Diagonal Finance](https://www.diagonal.finance/), CTO and backend developer (including smart contract) - 2022-2023
- [Ethereum Foundation](https://ethereum.foundation/), Team lead at the [RLN](https://pse.dev/en/projects/rln) project ([PSE](https://pse.dev/) team) - 2021-2022
- Freelance dApp and Smart Contract engineer - 2019-2021
- [NVO](https://bitcoinwiki.org/wiki/nvo), Full-stack engineer - 2017-2019
Additionally I've helped many crypto projects with smart-contract development and advice.
### Education
- MSc and BSc in Computer Science
- Google Professional Data Engineer certification
### What else do I do
I am a member of the [Kairos DAO](https://twitter.com/Kairos_DAO), [The Ordinary Gang](https://twitter.com/OrdinarygangNFT) and [ETH Macedonia](https://twitter.com/ETHMacedonia).
Besides this I do weightlifting and trade crypto coins.
In the past I've contributed to open source software.
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